Creating Effects (C#)


using Animatext; //Add "Animatext" namespace.
using Animatext.Effects; //Add "Animatext.Effects" namespace.
using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleC01 : MonoBehaviour 
    private void Start()
        //Step 1 - Create the effect.
        TCBasicA01 preset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<TCBasicA01>();

        preset.tag = string.Empty;
        preset.startInterval = 0;
        preset.reverse = false;
        preset.loopCount = 0;
        preset.loopInterval = 0;
        preset.loopBackInterval = 0;
        preset.pingpongLoop = false;
        preset.continuousLoop = false;
        preset.interval = 0.5f;
        preset.singleTime = 1;
        preset.sortType = SortType.FrontToBack;
        preset.position = new Vector2(0, 100);
        preset.easingType = EasingType.Linear;
        preset.fadeMode = ColorMode.Multiply;
        preset.fadeRange = new FloatRange(0, 0.5f);

        //You can also use the "Resources.Load" method to load created presets.

        Effect effect = new Effect(preset);
        //effect.autoStart = true;
        //effect.autoPlay = true;
        //effect.autoEnd = true;
        //effect.autoStop = true;
        //effect.refreshMode = RefreshMode.Start;
        //Step 2 - Add the effect to the Animatext component.
        BaseAnimatext animatext = gameObject.AddComponent<BaseAnimatext>();

        //Set the text first and then add the effect.
        //animatext.text = "Animatext";

        //Add the effect first and then set the text. All effects will be automatically refreshed after setting the text.