CircInA circular easing that starts slowly and ends quickly.
CircInOutA circular easing that starts slowly, speeds up, and then ends slowly.
CircOutA circular easing that starts quickly and ends slowly.
CubicInA cubic easing that starts slowly and ends quickly.
CubicInOutA cubic easing that starts slowly, speeds up, and then ends slowly.
CubicOutA cubic easing that starts quickly and ends slowly.
LinearA linear easing.
QuadInA quadratic easing that starts slowly and ends quickly.
QuadInOutA quadratic easing that starts slowly, speeds up, and then ends slowly.
QuadOutA quadratic easing that starts quickly and ends slowly.
QuartInA quartic easing that starts slowly and ends quickly.
QuartInOutA quartic easing that starts slowly, speeds up, and then ends slowly.
QuartOutA quartic easing that starts quickly and ends slowly.
QuintInA quintic easing that starts slowly and ends quickly.
QuintInOutA quintic easing that starts slowly, speeds up, and then ends slowly.
QuintOutA quintic easing that starts quickly and ends slowly.
SineInA sinusoidal easing that starts slowly and ends quickly.
SineInOutA sinusoidal easing that starts slowly, speeds up, and then ends slowly.
SineOutA sinusoidal easing that starts quickly and ends slowly.